
Boyfriend - tag connected with: funny jokes, dont, have, ipad, happy, relationship, boyfriend, funny pictures, girlfriend, best, iphone, images, funny, joke, humor, memes, jokes, apple, meme, buy, lying, air, legs, flowers, flower, present, brunette, vase, shop, blonde, street, sex, how, shoulders, dandruff, talking, asked, head, talk, problem, give, shock, cat, crazy, funny images, funny pics. uses cookies to help give you the best experience we can.

A blonde and a brunette walk past a flower shop and

A blonde and a brunette walk past a flower shop and the brunette sees her boyfriend buying flowers. She sighs and says, "Oh crap, my boyfriend is buying me flowers again. Now, I'll be expected to spend the weekend on my back with my legs in the air." The blonde says, "Don't you have a vase?"

Funny  >  Jokes

A blonde and a brunette were talking one day

A blonde and a brunette were talking one day. The brunette said that her boyfriend had a slight dandruff problem but she gave him "Head and Shoulders" and it cleared it up. The blonde asked inquisitively: "How do you give shoulders?"

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